This is the page for basic information about the Certified Rehabilitation Specialist's (CRS) Exam.

PHRANC wants YOU to keep up! Professional Development is the key.

PHRANC wants members to be engaged. Your employing organization needs you to be engaged. One of the principle synergies between PHRANC and your organization is that of Professional Development.

The Top 5 Reasons why your employer should help you take the Certified Rehabilitation Specialist's Exam:

1. The target audience of PHRANC membership is construction industry professionals who work for local governments or other non-profit organizations with a mission to assist people owning and living-in low-income housing. These individuals need experienced professionals who keep up with the rehabilitation industry and hone their skills

2. Once you pass the exam, the following credential will be awarded at one of our conferences in front of your peers:               

Certified Rehabilitation Specialist

For those who want to attain a higher recognition level, there is also a Master Rehabilitation Specialist credential.

3. The test results PHRANC sends you after the exam are a great way to get an inexpensive assessment of your professional development needs whether or not you pass the exam. 

4. You don’t get to be experienced without observation, participation and development.

5. The CRS Exam was created as a statewide credential in NC with funding from the federal government through HUD in the early 2000's and was first administered in 2003. The exam development was led by several pioneer leaders in the government funded rehabilitation industry including Robert Santucci and Gerald Diaz.  The exam has ten subject modules testing necessary Rehabilitation Specialist Skills as follows:

Module 1-Codes and Standards

Module 2-Inspections

Module 3-Work Write-ups

Module 4-Cost Estimating

Module 5-Project Management

Module 6-Plumbing

Module 7-HVAC

Module 8-Electrical

Module 9-Environmental Hazards (currently labeled "Lead Based Paint")

Module 10-Building Components and Structure (currently labeled "Environmental and Building Science")

More information about the Exam:

A. It is normally offered along with the Spring and Fall Training conferences held by PHRANC; it is the intent of the Board of Directors to offer the exam at least once per year. Please see the current conference for the availability and costs associated with taking the exam.  You may sit for the exam without attending the conference.

B. The exam consists of four sheets of questions from each of the ten subject modules, for a total of forty sheets.  To be certified, candidates must correctly answer a minimum percentage of questions within each module.  

C. Unless otherwise instructed, select only one answer per question.  All correct answers will be worth one (1) point unless otherwise noted.  Incorrect answers will not be subtracted from your total of correct answers.

D. The exam is graded by the Vice President of PHRANC who is either already credentialed as a Certified Rehabilitation Specialist or has agreed to never sit for the CRS Exam. The Vice President then works with at least one other CRS certificate holder on the Exam Committee/Task Force to review the results and adjust for any grading errors or issues observed affecting grading (such as poor penmanship). Neither the Vice President or any other exam graders will know the identity of the candidate prior to the final grade being developed as the exam is identified by number only during the grading and review processes.

E. Study Guides are available to current Members of PHRANC on the Members Only section of the website. For non-members or those who have not paid for a seat to take the exam, there is a list of questions with no answers available here.

Please see the list of those who have received the Certified Rehabilitation Specialist credential here.

If you are working on professional development in the Housing Rehab industry and/or searching for a credential, your current Vice President of PHRANC, who is in charge of the CRS Exam, challenges YOU to take the exam. 

Contact:   Subject Line: CRS Exam Query 

PHRANC  is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization.

112 Goldsboro Street E;  P.O Box 10 Wilson, NC 27894

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